Telerik Kendo UI Tips and Tricks

How to autofit all columns of a kendo ui grid

Written by Piyush Bhatt | Jun 13, 2017 2:00:00 PM

Kendo UI Grid allows to set width of each column - either as fixed or as percent. Or you can leave the width empty and the Kendo UI will automatically adjust the width of that column. You can creatively use this feature to adjust the column width in scenarios when the monitor/device width changes.

Sometimes you may want to autofit the column width based on cell contents. When you need to autofit all columns of a kendo grid based on its content, kendo grid provides an ‘autofitColumn’ method. Here is an example of how to use this method effectively in following two types of scenarios:

  • When you have multiple columns under one title (grouped columns)
  • When the total width of all columns don’t fill the entire width of the screen

To see a live example of the following code, go here - 

Two of these issues are addressed in following approach:


//following function is used to fit all the columns per its content

kendo.ui.Grid.fn.fitColumns = function(parentColumn) {

    var grid = this;

    var columns = grid.columns;

    if (parentColumn && parentColumn.columns)

        columns = parentColumn.columns;

    columns.forEach(function(col) {

        //recursive call for the grouped columns

        if (col.columns)

            return grid.fitColumns(col);



    //this will expand columns if empty space is left




//this will expand all the column sizes within kendo grid if

//  after autofit, there is empty space left


kendo.ui.Grid.fn.expandToFit = function() {

    var $gridHeaderTable = this.thead.closest('table');

    var gridDataWidth = $gridHeaderTable.width();

    var gridWrapperWidth = $gridHeaderTable.closest('.k-grid-header-wrap').innerWidth();

    // Since this is called after column auto-fit, reducing size

    // of columns would overflow data.

    if (gridDataWidth >= gridWrapperWidth) {




    var $headerCols = $gridHeaderTable.find('colgroup > col');

    var $tableCols = this.table.find('colgroup > col');


    var sizeFactor = (gridWrapperWidth / gridDataWidth);

    $headerCols.add($tableCols).not('.k-group-col').each(function() {

        var currentWidth = $(this).width();

        var newWidth = (currentWidth * sizeFactor);


            width: newWidth




There are multiple places where you can call above function. Following are few places where you could be best suited.


dataBound: function(e)





When the window resizes you can call grid resize as well as fit columns to refit the columns within new width.


$(window).resize(function() {

    //assume that you have grid variable set correctly





 You can also modify above code to handle the case where, if a fix width is required for certain column then that column can be skipped in fitColumns() method.

Click here to see other Kendo Grid tips and tricks 

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